The Danger of Invisible Pools
The danger is in the invisible. The danger is in regions that are out of your control.
The danger is in the invisible. The danger is in regions that are out of your control.
Letterpress is a minimal, Markdown based blogging system written in Python.
Letterpress is a minimal, Markdown based blogging system written in Python.
You read once again In-App Purchase Programming Guide and completely, yet still can not make the sandbox work. Now may be the time for a break to get something fresh.
What happens if the button is tapped again during the view transition triggered by tapping it?
历时半载,龙抬头时,终斩获小妖一二,回顾一路艰辛,附 App Store 生存指南。作拜年礼,赠与各种有求、有爱、有魔之人。有求之人用以防身,有爱之人用以传播,有魔之人用以救赎。
iOS 中文键盘可以输入中文特有标点符号。键盘上找不到的话,尝试长按形似标点符号键。还是找不到?那可能你遇上了 bug,我有解决办法。首先,iOS 中文键盘是可以输入书名号、中文引号等中文特有标点符号的。
One of my favorite stories about Steve Jobs.
如果默认主题让你眼睛疲倦的话,试试 Zenburn。暗色系,低对比度,适合长时间编码。