No Highlight, Please

When a UITableViewCell gets highlighted it highlights all its subviews, which is annoying sometimes.

Defects of KVO

KVO is a very nice programming facility, except for some annoying defects.

How to Rock and Roll Your Apps

Apple taught me most I need to know about how to manage the interface orientation, yet still left some dark corners. I explored them and want to share what I found.

Documentation Set Generation Tool in Xcode is Wanted

Documentation set generation tool in Xcode is necessary for a prosperous Apple developer community. The current tools are far from Apple standard.

说说 Mac 下的截屏软件


What’s good about selectionArgs in SQLite queries

The Android API for querying SQLite databases supports two styles of queries, one simpler, one better.

Why it is impossible to intercept incoming calls on Android

Intercepting incoming calls on Android is just impossible. Here is why.

Meta Backup DreamHost on DreamHost Backups

DreamHost’s snapshot backup service is a little shabby, but you can build a powerful Meta Backup yourself.

Kingsoft 的爸爸们

Kingsoft 的各种爸。

The Probability of Runs of K Consecutive Heads in N Coin Tosses

What’s the probability that at least one run of <var>k</var> consecutive heads occurs in <var>n</var> coin tosses? It’s an interesting problem with several interesting solutions.